Coleção pessoal de JAMESSINCLAIR

1 - 20 do total de 43 pensamentos na coleção de JAMESSINCLAIR

"Time for true Christians is not money, but souls won to Jesus."

"Without Jesus there is no way, no truth, no life."

"Get dressed in full armor of God's heavenly and carefully prepared by God to his soldiers. A firefighter filed will not put out a fire wearing beach clothes, alone and without tools. It would be crazy! "

"Let us not make spiritual hunger strike. Let us pray. For prayer, definitely is the food of the Christian. "

"Stop dreading your problem, finding it powerful, invincible. Powerful and invincible is our God. "

"The solution may be in sincere prayer! And many truly die without such an attitude. Are dehydrated spiritually. "

"Instead of charges, implications, excessive criticism of your loved one or beloved, develop or effectively stimulate love. Especially love called agape. "

"Who determines when the cure is the Lord. So cry out to Him in faith: "

"Insubordination is the daughter of murmuring and granddaughter of unbelief. It is a whole family of powerful and terrible sins. And if not detected and destroyed quickly, they are destroying nations, families, churches, ministries, life projects. "

"- Oh, Lord, how many" Jonas "You no longer carried away and still take to the sea floor to learn to be a true Christian, but me?"

"An empty life is a life without God."

"The longer I live, the more love my life."

"The farther the world we are, we are closer to God."

"May the Lord help us to help our neighbors."

"Lord, give us the faith to live by faith every day."

"The world has always offered many ways, but God gave the only, JESUS. Walk for Him and be saved."

"Just a minute in heaven already compensate for a lifetime of suffering here on earth, imagine eternity?

Ao invés de cobranças, implicações e críticas excessivas ao seu cônjuge, desenvolva ou estimule efetivamente o amor. Especificamente o amor denominado Ágape, o incondicional.

“A solução para um grande problema pode estar numa sincera oração a Deus. Pena que muitos morrem sem tal atitude, morrem sem orar!

Pare de temer o seu problema, de achá-lo poderoso, invencível. Poderoso e invencível é o nosso Deus!