Change. It's funny how I repeat this word all the time. Because it's just what we want. But not always we know that. Or not always we know why. But we know that we want to run away from our problems, it doesn't matter how hard it is. Sometimes we're just bored with life. We're just bored to do the same old thing. Everyday. We're just bored to wake up and go to the same place meet the same people and do the same things. Bored to listen the same things
from the same people. Bored to say the same things. Bored for it never make any diference. Bored to feel the same things. Bored to be hurted because of the same things. Bored.
And what should we do right now?
Change. We keep repeating this word because it's just the solution. It's all we need to be fine again. We have to put our hopes in something and believe in it. Because the things always can change. You always can change your life. You always can turn the way you were going. And the things always can get better. You just have to try, and believe that all can be different.
Time Discovered
March 13, 2011
We will begin this book with the message that will break the spell and the chains of bitterness.
Can I start saying you're a person of a value inscrutable, just because it is God's creation.
When God formed man and woman he made with his hands.
Did as love, affection, devotion, and perfection.
And we are His image and likeness.
This means that we have the capacity to love, choose, to dream, design, perform, create.
Finally, we have the ability to do what is good.
But due to the illusions of man to want power, you lose the community that once had with God. He lost some privileges.
But do not worry, Jesus Christ, Son of God, came to renew that communion and intimacy with God.
Then the time of discovery begins when we recognize our mistakes, and make the error, hit a bridge.
We are disappointments, one way to respond wisely.
We begin to discover the simple fact that we are God's creation.
Perfect work of the Almighty.
Nothing else compares to the creation of God and His supernatural power.
We are the perfect product of his love.
We are the essence of his passion.
We are the consummation of the divine plan.
We have within us the courage to create in our minds and hearts the joy of living.
You can reflect your life, when you are faced with God's creation.
When you stop and think how good and so is God's creation.
The first step to discovering their value, is to recognize the greatness of God's creation.
So the journey of discovery begin.
Whenever a sentence is said in this book, stop and think and try to put more truth on the tablets of his heart, so that when the criticism comes slander or libel, you can overcome them by understanding their real value.
Its value is not what you make.
Its value is already in you, you're told.
Ready to raise a decent life.
Ready to tell the world, I am a garden of joy.
But do not get value out of it, before knowing his.
Because you will lose your identity.
And the identity is made when we found out.
Indeed, identity is something so valuable that we can not leave out, understanding of self.
This book is not to massage your ego, but to make you a better person, when they hearken to the voice of truth (Jesus Christ), we can then live a decent life before men and before God.
For you know your value, you need to look within themselves, not with a simple look, but with a deep look, with a mission to hunt down within themselves the values that were lost causes by the adversities of life.
Look at yourself and see its value.
Get to know yourself more and see its value.
You do not need a horoscope or sorcerers, or psychologists to discover their values. The only thing you need is to look within themselves.
Always spying on their land.
Always try to capture values that are in you, and that will never be lost, only if you live in illusions.
Because the illusion "steal" our values, and then live unworthily.
When we opened the door of our hearts for deception, for vanity, for the superfluities of life, we lose intimacy with God and with us and give a hand to misfortune.
I have a witness to give, as long I lived a delusion, thinking I was one thing, but actually I was different, very different.
I spent a process where I cried, lived and times of angst, charm kissed my heart and I lived to suffer.
But when I took a decision to change the spell was broken, because I opened my ears to the gospel and the Word of God.
And everything in my life changed.
It was wonderful to give credit to God's Word.
I can say that this book is a literary autobiography of my life and my first steps to my intimacy with Christ.
I could overcome my fears when I let God heal me.
I could see the marks of illusions dispelled and the stones of my life.
My land was then healed and my known values.
And I found it worth living light of God's Word.
What a joy it is to live the Word of God.
And you want to live better lives, start giving credit to God's Word.
Try to hear some good news, messages from heaven.
The time of discovery will begin to develop in your life when you stop to think that the way we live is not worth it, living in illusions, not the life that God dreamed and planned for all of us.
God has better for you.
God can change your life, you can just tell the direction of God, that He will send you the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and so to convince you that you are very special to God.
Look at yourself.
Dance, dance
We're falling apart to half-time
Dance, dance
And these are the lives you love to lead
Dance, this is the way they'd love
Dance, this is the way they'd love
Dance, this is the way they'd love
If they knew how misery loved me
Dance, dance
Dance, dance
Dance, dance
Dance, dance ♪♪♪
Time passes slowly for
those who do not know
how to love
Time passes by going to
those who just want to win
Time known to those who
live moudar to love.
Quando, em uma relação, o meu psicológico corre o risco de ser afetado, eu tiro o meu time de campo.
Quem usurpa o mérito da equipe que o ajudou, em geral faz isto uma vez só. Não há time que goste de ser explorado duas vezes.
A melhor campanha do futebol,
pode até ser ganhar o campeonato,
mas o time só deixa a sua marca,
quando em várias partidas é diferenciado.
Raça, amor e paixão…
O Clube de Regatas do Flamengo não é apenas um time de futebol; é uma paixão que transcende as fronteiras do Rio de Janeiro e conquista corações ao redor do mundo. Com uma história rica e gloriosa, o Flamengo representa a fusão de talento, raça e um amor incondicional de sua imensa torcida.
Desde os tempos de Zico, o eterno ídolo que encantou multidões com sua habilidade e carisma, até os dias atuais, o Flamengo sempre carregou a chama da esperança e da vitória. Cada partida é uma celebração de cores e sons, onde o vermelho e o preto se misturam em uma dança vibrante nas arquibancadas.
A "Nação", como é carinhosamente chamada sua torcida, é o coração pulsante deste clube. Em cada canto, em cada lágrima de alegria ou tristeza, o Flamengo se torna uma parte vital da vida de milhões. Torcedores de todas as idades carregam a emoção de pertencer a algo grandioso, a algo que supera o simples ato de torcer.
As conquistas são muitas, mas o que realmente define o Flamengo é a capacidade de unir pessoas de diferentes origens em torno de um sentimento comum. É sentir o Maracanã tremer em um gol decisivo, é acreditar até o último minuto, é nunca desistir, porque ser Flamengo é acreditar que o impossível é apenas uma questão de tempo.
O Flamengo é mais do que um clube; é uma experiência de vida, uma história que continua a ser escrita com suor, lágrimas e uma paixão que jamais esmorece. É um amor que não conhece limites, que atravessa gerações e que continua a inspirar sonhos de grandeza e glória.
Ser Flamengo é carregar no peito o orgulho de uma nação inteira, é sentir-se parte de algo eterno e inabalável. E, acima de tudo, é saber que, não importa onde esteja, o Flamengo sempre será sua casa.
O Clube de Regatas do Flamengo não é apenas um time de futebol; é uma paixão que transcende as fronteiras do Rio de Janeiro e conquista corações ao redor do mundo. Com uma história rica e gloriosa, o Flamengo representa a fusão de talento, raça e um amor incondicional de sua imensa torcida.
"Liverpool 2 x 0 Real Madrid. O time espanhol precisa urgentemente de lateral-direito, de um zagueiro e de um centroavante. Hoje, Kylian Mbappé, mesmo jogando na sua posição de origem, a ponta-esquerda, não rendeu absolutamente nada e ainda perdeu um pênalti". (O Magnata).
Quem disse que não se deve mexer em time que está ganhando?
Se o time está ganhando por sorte e não por competência, deve-se mexer sim, antes que a sorte do suposto vencedor acabe e prevaleça a competência do time adversário.
Duas condições na vida, que precisam ser separadas: Derrota e fracasso; ontem meu time foi derrotado, mas ele não é um fracassado. O time tal, desistiu de disputar o campeonato, esse sim, é um time fracassado.
Campanhas políticas são como esportes de time, você não consegue fazer e vencer se estiver sozinho.