
Cerca de 511 frases e pensamentos: Sad

A.J.M in ideological Letters (2007)

The moon I sad

The moon told me,
Do not be sad one day you will return p'ra
Do not be sad
Only feel miss,
Do not think in the very words
Much more you will only be sad,
So why loneliness is not lack

The moon told me

Do not precipite,
But let your heart guess
You see the fruit of so much pain
In exchange you get a beautiful flower As consolation for their pain
The moon told me
You will have much love

The moon told me ...

The Black Day

This day, so even if the tough. Same been massacred, continued to blow the air by mouths, the air of strength and will to power descansar.So that never acoteceria, if it were not for a miracle.
Both suffering, already tired they did not know the solution of their anguish, but in order proceeded! Working in the tiredness, hunger, punishment and suffering only wanted its simple survival, or if not the lives of his successors.
For centuries, have suffered, died, disappeared men strongest in the world due to exploitation of the labour force barrata.
These are the words that I highlight in my ideology, the suffering and misery that the colonization brought to the world. What is now also done in some countries of the world.
Our grandparents were forced to work to save their own lives and those of his successors, we are in today to tell these sad and pecaminosas histórias.No ituito to struggle to generate new blood that could save the world of these misfortunes, and that could create a Only world full of Peace and Freedom
Even punished, ignored and apaziguados for life that resulted were not entitled to claim.
So our ancestors lived.
The days on which they were more beautiful and bright to them becoming BLACK.

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I am not a liar

When I am a little sad, with that in my mind to be always happy, exaggeration: I say that I am almost

dying of sadness I write Poems of who is in the gorge without esperaca opposite of love, the good invention.

They get a high number of comments and e-mails solidarity, caricias, colos beautiful, and I am just good. It is a coup that never fails.

That's why I said and I repeat: be happy get anything goes, even pretend that it is happy.

And yet, pretend sadness, with appropriate caution, has to be smart ...

And I give an example: pretend that I am sad, and soon get caricias and solidarity, solve get sad again. All that can generate a protective desire to defect of protection.


It has a nice addition, though: people giving strength, to me praise and words of order and vaias against sadness "OUT TO hurt" - "BELOW FOR hurt," "NEVER MORE hurt," Tchau hurt, "the my two sides optimistic and happy, not to be sad, do not know whether to enhance solidarity and love.

It is the life, a game: gains and losses.

And yet, we must know that the sadness also has light, is a beacon that illuminates the path and warning the soul, leading to love, reorganizing the emotional failures.

When the sadness, it is good to the person requesting assistance, and have the humility to accept as a way of greater good, a nice lap, ONLY THIS.

Inserida por Chavega

“And then I felt sad because I realized that once people are broken in certain ways, they can’t ever be fixed, and this is something nobody ever tells you when you are young and it never fails to surprise you as you grow older as you see the people in your life break one by one. You wonder when your turn is going to be, or if it’s already happened.”

Inserida por brunapinho

In sad times alone I think: Small Can Be the crazy world I carry in my heart.

Inserida por butterflysacred

Gypsy Winds

Oh! My lovely gypsy!
you are my heaven
A colorful ray
In this murky and sad world
Oh! My lovely gypsy
leave the trail of your scent
to guide me, to find you
oh! my gypsy, my gypsy
let the song play
I need to dance
just this song
And I know I'll say one more,
one more, one more

Oh! my baby Gypsy
I want to shout! I need...
Lend me your body
So I can get warm
I was much time in the dark
it's always cold in the dark
Lend me your body
There are fires inside you
that warms me, I fall asleep
I need sleep, need sleep
Treat me with your lap...
oh! my little gypsy
is that I need sleep ...
Give me your dreams as a gift
oh baby! a dream, only one...
and I know I'll say one more,
one more, one more

Let the trail of your scent
guide me to this new song
I do for you, just for you
Oh my gypsy, lend me
the fire of your body
for me not get lost
in the shades of the path
oh my baby Gypsy
do not be afraid
I'm not that bad!
You make things shine
I feel so much life
when you make me shine ...
and I know I'll say one more,
one more, one more

ah! my baby Gypsy
one more, one more
ahhhh !!!!!!

Inserida por rutefrare

It's a lie. It's a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully, and... all the glittering assholes who appreciate art say it's beautiful 'cause that's what they wanna see. But the people in the photos are sad, and alone... But the pictures make the world seem beautiful, so... the exhibition is reassuring which makes it a lie, and everyone loves a big fat lie.

Inserida por usuario267659

For all sad words of tongue and pen,the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'

Inserida por belinha.lsm

For of all sad words from tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been.

Inserida por vanessaneves09


When you're sad
don't cry
Remember the good things
And appreciate life

Inserida por JoaoFigueiredo

When you were down... I put you up
When you were sad... I was your fun
When you were alone... I was by your side
Whe you were hurt... I was your medicine
When you cried... I dried your tears
When you fell down... I stood you my hand... to stand you up
When the WORLD turned its back to you... I was in your front
Destiny came... the life changed...
When you had to leave, you looked into my eyes and promissed you'd be around forever... I could count on you..
Destiny came... the life changed again...
When I was down... You didn't put me up
When I was sad... You did not make me laugh
When I was alone... You were not by my side
When I was hurt... I had to cure myself
When I cried... I had to have my own tissue
When I fell down... I could not find your hand
When the WORLD turned its back to me... I'd realized I was completly alone... nobody was in my front
Destiny came... the life changed... It has been changing...

Inserida por vivianhan


os desejos
não os vejos
não creio
em receios.
os anseios
a munir
do futuro
a conquistar
e acreditar!
o âmago
antes chagado
já restaurado
que reinará
que não desfaz
do apreço meu.

Inserida por ChristianSantos

O exercício de relembrar, é interessante, entretanto temos que praticá-lo através de uma maneira sadia. Devemos aprender com os erros do passado, não os repetindo. A nostalgia providencia gostosas lembranças, mas nunca devemos evocá-las em função de uma postura neurótica.

Inserida por Alexandrebezescritor

God is sad...

Inserida por tadeumemoria

#Never frown , even you´re sad because you never know who´s falling in love with your smile

Inserida por TaniaGomes6

só se mente
pra mente doente
não se mente
pra mente semente
sadia da gente
se se mente
a mente sadia

Remisson Aniceto

Inserida por RemissonAniceto

Sad boy, coitado , não e a palavra certa, entendimento de uma pequena cidade, acolhedora e de bom coração faz parte da caneta que fica no papel marcado já que toda besteira virou moda to fazendo essa uma,1 2 3 pra coleção de retardados. do youtube, pra ficar famoso e ser reconhecido vou contando minha historia. kqkqkqkq

Inserida por walace_caue

⁠Odeio o fato de uma vida sad....mas para tudo que olhamos a nossa volta já é motivo para termos um vida triste.

Inserida por Gareth

⁠I was sad because living wasn't enough
Then you held my hand
I forgot to love, I was upset
Then you held my hand again

- Love You More

Inserida por hellyeahmusiccompany

A única condição que leva o homem casado à uma satisfação conjugal é manter o seu relacionamento sadio, puro e livre de complicações traiçoeiras com sua esposa.

Inserida por HelgirGirodo

Eu sou tão idiota
Por que sempre deixo as pessoas q eu amo tristes?
Por que tenho que sentir Isso?
Por que tenho que existir?
Eu queria conseguir parar de gostar de você
Parar de te amar
Mais eu não consigo
Eu só penso em você
Ao acordar e ao dormir
Será que ele está bem?
Será que ele está pensando em mim?
Eu cansei! Mas não consigo tirar você...
Não Importa o que eu faça...
Você não some...
E assim cheguei a conclusão...
Eu amo você...
E sabe porque você não consigo tirar você da minha cabeça?
Poque eu simplesmente não quero que você vá...
Você é motivo dos meus sorrisos
O que me trouxe de volta a vida...
O que me fez sentir o amor...
O que só com um toque em minha mão me faz arrepiar
Um beijo na testa sinal de amor e fofura
Derreto a cada um...
Eu amo esses beijos...
São fofos.. E mostram o quanto você se importa...
Eu só acho que você não demonstra que me ama...
E me sinto só...

Inserida por loleticia49

Se um ficar posso ter uma longa caminhada mas se ,eu ir embora vou deixar muitos tristes mas o meu vazio vai ter acabado..

Inserida por daniel_francisco