Poemas em inglês

All night long
Our night gonna be longer
Touch me, touch me
I'm your song

Love me, love me
I'm so lacking of love

Stay with me for this nigth
Make me your song
Sliding in your fingers
I'm so lacking of love

Stay with me for this night
I beg you
Love me for this night
I ask you

Fills me with love
Cuz everything I need

Inserida por Heradejesus14

No matter how much our life forces us to be serious.
We all seek someone to dream, play, love and all we need is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

Inserida por RobertaThornton

Hoje faz 47 (quarenta e sete) dias...estou te esperando!!!
I love you...so much!
pm: 16:54

Inserida por AurinhaSilva

Reap Love, The Nature Sigh

Vinde as nuvens do céu de anil, mágico como algodão doce, repleto de sonhos e desejos.
Límpido sorriso contempla o luar, feito onda que quebra no mar e, ao sol, refrescar.
Serei teu céu, teu anjo e teu mar, sou a água que em ti glorifica.
Ao canto das orquídeas leve feito brisa, ao escorregar no piso molhado ou optar por um banho gelado.
Tudo faz valer a pena quando se ama. Recebe a rosa mais linda do meu jardim, encanto-me com tua beleza esplendorosa da alma ou da rosa. Feito a onda que antes citei, ou dos versos que desenhei.

Inserida por Theomoura

Its love was alone my dream
I only woke up when he/she told me good-bye
Illusion to see everything to finish
The dream ended but I will always love you
I am missing of your affections
Everything that rolled between you and me
Now see everything it finished
You left it only remained the pain

Inserida por andrhe

I love my boyfriend
And I know he loves me
We are together and this is hard
Except that there are other guys who like me.
And now tell me what to do
I have the right
Or with the wrong
And theirs is a friend of my boyfriend

What is this friendship
He wants to stay with me
Very bold this guy
I know that I love my boyfriend
And I did not want his friend
More is strange floor with the two
Side by side

Inserida por Paula_Pacha

Looking back at the beginning of this
and how life was
just you and me and love and all of our friends
living life like an ocean
now the currents slowly pulling me down
i's getting harder to breath
it won't be too long and I'll be going under
can you save me from this?
cause it's not my time, I'm not goin'
there's a fear in me it's not showing
this could be the end of me
and everything I know.. I won't go.

I look ahead to all the plans that we made
and the dreams that we had
I'm in a world that tries to take them away
but I'm taking them back
all this time I've just been too blind to understand
what should matter to me
my friend, this life we live
Is not what we have, it's what we believe!

Inserida por Lety

Where is the love?

O que há de errado com o mundo, mãe
Pessoas vivendo como se eles não tivessem mãe
Acho que o mundo todo se viciou no drama
Somente atraído pelas coisas que irão lhe trazer
Estrangeiro, sim, nós tentamos parar o terrorismo
Mas nós ainda temos terroristas vivendo aqui,
Nos Estados Unidos, a grande CIA

Mas se você somente tiver amor pela sua própria raça
Então você apenas deixa espaço para a descriminação
E discriminar gera somente ódio
E quando você odeia então você está impelido a ficar
irado, sim
Maldade é o que você demonstra
E é exatamente assim que os raivosos trabalham e agem

Neguinho, você tem que amar apenas para ser correto
Tenha controle de sua mente e medite
Deixe sua alma gravitar para o amor, todos vocês,
todos vocês

Pessoas matando, pessoas morrendo
Crianças feridas e você pode ouvi-las chorando
Você pode praticar o que você prega?
E mudar sua personalidade

Pai, pai, pai nos ajude
Nos mande alguma orientação do céu
Porque as pessoas me tem, elas me tem questionado
Onde esta o amor?

Isso não é apenas o mesmo, sempre está mudando
Nossos dias estão estranhos, o mundo está estranho
Se amor e paz são tão fortes
Porque as peças do amor não se encaixam?
Nações lançando bombas,
Gases quimicos enchendo nossos pulmões
Com o progressivo sofrimento a juventude morre cedo
Então pergunte a si mesmo, o amor realmente se foi?
Então eu poderia perguntar a mim mesmo, o que
realmente está errado?
Neste mundo que nos vivemos as pessoas reprimem o
Tomando decisões erradas, apenas visando seus lucros
Não respeitando o próximo, negando seu irmão
A guerra está acontecendo, mas as razões são secretas

A verdade é mantida em segredo, varrida pra debaixo do
Se voce não conhece a verdade, então você não conhece
o amor

Inserida por andozia0905

It's love,
Crazy for you,
Don't you remember,
First Love....
I can't make you love me,
Best For Last...
(É o amor,
Louca por você,
Você não se lembra,
Primeiro Amor ....
Eu não posso fazer você me amar,
O melhor por último ...)

Inserida por Ramona-avril

I wish was a love
Something that
Someone could

I wish wasa tears
I wish was one spark
I wish was drop of water
I wish was one song
Someone sing
While driving
I wish was a poem

I wish to have
Good dreams
I want to be someone's
Beautiful dream

I'm dreamer
And nobody's has
The right
To let me down

Inserida por Giovana824AHmmJK

You’re all that I thought would never be and though you break my heart

I still love you.
there are times I hate you because I can not erase the moments you hurt me and the tears I put on my face
But do not want to miss you, I do not want a broken heart, I will not breathe without you.
Who says my life will be better off without you? you are the best in me.
Believe me, I need your love…I need you.

Inserida por rafaellakristinne

Poema para leitores ingleses:
I love you because I love you,
You need not be a lover,
and knowest not always be so.
I love you because I love you.
Love is a state of grace
and love does not pay.

Love is freely given,
is sown the wind,
the waterfall in the eclipse.
Love eludes dictionaries
and the various regulations.

I love you because they love
enough or too much to me.
Because love does not change,
no one loves or combines.
Because love is love for all,
happy and strong in itself.

Love is the cousin of death
and death winner
for more than the kill (and kill)
every moment of love.

Inserida por giovannabells

Poem for you my love!
I hope you baby, I have not forgotten you! I wait for you, my blood boils because I love ...
My heart beats for you, even if I do not want to, he does not obey me ..My memories are for you ...
I always think of you .. and imagine ardently for our moment of love.
That day I dreamed I look forward, madly, with the fire burning in my chest, and stifling a groan of pleasure, no sense ..
that moment that I hope every day of my life, I'll wait forever
because I can not stop imagining, you and me at the time that our naked bodies are united between the sheets, and our bodies will be sealed by the love that burns in our guts and our hearts ...
Oh how I wish this, as I want to be with you, as I need your love and warmth, as I need to cuddle in your hands now.
If you knew that I could lay my head on his chest, feeling his heart beat, would be in heaven lying on a bed of dreams.
How I need your smile, how I need your unforgettable look at me ... A look that never had another person with me. That look of affectionate sweetness. And a fickle desire to be with me.
My body needs your, my soul longs for your ...My deepest alibido exhale all want more tasty in store for you ...
Come quickly and find that my body belongs to you ...Come feel the happiness beside me ...
Come feel what is strangled, and kept each other ...Together will break the barrier of distance that separates us
Allow us the happiness of love and delight in the desires of our thinking.

Inserida por NiceTeixeira

Lonely heart just worried with yourself
Stop getting hurt, I love you so.
Let me save you, let me love again

I feel so cold, but my heart still burns on fire
I feel so sick, but I am such fine.
Gimme the last: second chance.

I promise that I'll never hurt you again.
And I promise that no one will hurt you.
Oh please, trust me. I'm waiting for you.

Lonely heart, selfish with yourself
Hear my honest opinion: love me again.
We are two in only one.

I feel so cold, but my heart still burns on fire
I feel so far, but I'm so close.
Gimme the last "second chance"

Lonely heart locked inside yourself
Show me that you still know love
Know the love

Inserida por Linelife

I Love You Jesus with all my HEART, SOUL AND FORCES, please guide me so I won't lose hope or even forget You. Forgive my mistakes and remember the love this little server has for YOU. Give me a purpose in life I want to be different from this CRUEL world. When I was feeling lonley you were beside me, when my friends left me and called me names You were there, when I cried softly on my bed You were there too. Thank You Jesus for being...You, I'll never find greater Love than Yours.

Eu te amo Jesus com todo meu coração, alma e forças, por favor me orientar para que eu não perca a esperança ou até mesmo esquecer de Ti. Perdoe meus erros e lembre do amor que este pequeno servo tem para com você. Dê-me um propósito na vida eu quero ser diferente deste mundo cruel. Quando eu estava me sentindo solitário você estava ao meu lado, quando meus amigos me abandonaram e me chamaram de nomes Você estava lá, quando eu chorava baixinho na minha cama Você estava lá também. Obrigado Jesus por ser ... Você, eu nunca vou encontrar amor maior que o seu.

Inserida por Johannan

I Believe in Love

I believe in love, it's all we got
Love has no boundaries, costs nothing to touch
War makes money, cancer sleeps
Curled up in my father and that means something to me
Churches and dictators, politics and papers
Everything crumbles sooner or later
But love, I believe in love

I believe in love, it's all we got
Love has no boundaries, no borders to cross
Love is simple, hate breeds
Those who think difference is the child of disease
Father and son make love and guns
Families together kill someone
Without love, I believe in love

Without love I wouldn't believe
In anything that lives and breathes
Without love I'd have no anger
I wouldn't believe in the right to stand here
Without love I wouldn't believe
I couldn't believe in you
And I wouldn't believe in me
Without love

I believe in love
I believe in love
I believe in love

Inserida por chachabrasil

Do you know why my heart has chosen you?
and why I am content with the torture of your love?
Do you know why I will always love you and wish to share my life with you?
Do you know why I cannot forget your eyes when you are away or love another?
Because my heart believes that you are the only one for me in the world
you are the one who made my dreams come true
with you I began to love life? oh my innocent angel
I have nothing but my life and heart to offer you.

Inserida por LucyaneSchneider

All the love stories i experienced were alike. the first was passionate
The second joyful? and the last was like all the previous ones... in the beginning
They all started with spoken words
In confused eyes with truth
Love and passion and many other things
But they all had the same ending
All my love stories we experienced my heart turned out to be illusions
I wished i never dreamt
They all had the same ending.

Inserida por LucyaneSchneider

My body is my temple, this temple is my home and I love my home on particularly way that you never will imagine... this is my life.
I live in this same way for more than 24 years
I repeat for make sure that you understand... MY HOME, my life.
You, my friends, ex-friends, ex-boyfriends, affairs, colleagues come and go... like guests on a black tie party.
But you 'my friend', you WAS a very special guest.
But you are not invited anymore and became a persona non grata, the worse way to leaving somebody's life... be not welcome.

I lived 24 years without you... and my life still the same after you.
Nothing really changed... so, don't be such a confident when you talk to your friends about having me conquered.
You are not that type of man... and you are not confident the way you show to everyone.
So, stop playing games you don't know how do that!

Inserida por KelyOliveira

" To love is to admire with the heart."
" To admire is to love with the brain."
" That's why we love you so much! "
" kisses "

Inserida por ChrismaSampaBrasil