Poemas em inglês
Thousand years... Hearts Beats fast, colors and promises, how to Bê brave, how can i love when i am afraid tô fall.... Sempre será a música que lembrarei de você!!!!
The darkness in me cistus More you appeared and all Darkness is gone. I Love You I can even shout to the world that I "love", what I feel is true.
Free yourselves from mental slavery, love comes from within, gaining consciousness that we are love and you will learn what peace is, and you finally will be free...
Philosophizing now :: Sometimes even the silence of the beloved, is a form of love, it says a lot about us, we just have to understand this sensitivity!
Human beings still have a very limited concept of love. They fall in love with a man or a woman; they love their parents, their children and their close friends. But this is still not love. In order to manifest love, you must learn to project the rays of your heart and soul to the entire world, as the sun does.
Try to love someone who you want to hate, because they are just like you, somewhere inside, in a way you may never expect, in a way that resounds so deeply within you that you cannot believe it.
When you feel shame or doubt about speaking words of love, remember how many times you easily spoke words of hate.
Your shine illuminates my day, everyday... your smell make me wake up for love, your smile make me smile back, your look make me die, for love.
While it is great love, work and determination it is made of simple things contained in the common activities
I 'll always be here for you, don't think that I'm not in love, I'm just waiting for you,waiting you wake for love , while I wait I'll be here like your friends, your best friend , even you talk about another girls I'll be listening and faking hapiness, everything just for you. Oh, how i love you my childhood friend.
Aroca is the reason why i have sleepless nights. My love is the reason why i tend to hold my pillow tight. And than she is the reason why i can't sleep without saying good night good night
"To love is to see the world through the eyes of truth and sincerity. To love is to combat perks. "" Who loves quicken forces and never dies before the fights. "
I believe in the love, this that feel by you, though already had cried again and again, with you were much different , one weep full of love.
Quando, uma mulher quer mudar. ela muda em todos os sentidos, até seu sobrenome pra por o Seu Love!👏💫
Era sábado, o sol brilhava lá fora, havia cheiro de café no ar e "Your love is king" tocava na voz de Sade como se a música fosse encomendada, planejada. Ele beijou minha mãoquando eu deixei minha xícara de café sobre a mesa e por três vezes eu mordi o lábio para não o chamar de "amor". Eu não sabia como ele iria reagir, não sabia se o momento era adequado e tive medo de estragar tudo, mesmo parecendo tão certo dizer...então engoli a palavra junto com o café e sorri para ele.
Aquele teu sorriso com love nas orelhas me faz sorrir também na mesma intensidade, vejo tudo em você nessa imagem e te adianto, fiica mais fácil levar o dia vendo esse teu sorriso.
Who chooses luxury in detriment of Love, apparently lives a life of luxury, but internally lives days of garbage.
Happiness in the Soul
Before it is simple;
With a smile on his face;
And happiness in the soul;
Our love exists;
Calms His fullness;
My port of victory;
My hope in winter;
I can state every day to the memory;
I love you, and do not exist without you;
Before it's too late;
You know who I am;
He that is yours, that is for you;
To care for and love you forever;
Why this should be simple;
With happiness in the soul;
“What came first – the music or the misery? Did I listen to the music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to the music? Do all those records turn you into a melancholy person?”