Frases com Love

Cerca de 1578 frases com Love

Love will make you glow.

Inserida por Kugert

" You are my dream
you are my life
you and me forever
you are my love....

Inserida por Nedya

Life without the drugs of love and alcohol leads us into a condition of unhappy happiness

Inserida por MiguelKahlo

The darkness in me cistus More you appeared and all Darkness is gone. I Love You I can even shout to the world that I "love", what I feel is true.

Inserida por WM7

I love You Brasil

Inserida por AndersonDandinho

No love ...

Inserida por Bod4

Eu não quero que o orgulho ferre com minhas esperanças.

Puppy Love

Inserida por marylalinha

De acordo com os decibéis do ronco do love, era pra eu estar sendo acordada agora do meu 2º sono.

Inserida por VivianeSJ

True love

Gilcy & Matheus taylor
A dama é o vagabundo juntos pra sempre

Inserida por rapper

Love this so true.
It's wonderful to have a muse to bring out the flowers and the darkness.

Inserida por rafaellakristinne

'm the big I am who I want to love singing hip hop and rap producer too so my style and not true illusion love my singing style for those who love big-alex

Inserida por BIG-ALEX-BEST

You might live over, not forget to smile, have love and compassion by others. It's what differentiates us from animals’ irrationals.

Inserida por butterflysacred

I believe in love.

Inserida por Santos95

Love is what l feel for you...
L knou it's not to be seen, butl love you.

Inserida por JeniferDiGata2

Free yourselves from mental slavery, love comes from within, gaining consciousness that we are love and you will learn what peace is, and you finally will be free...

Inserida por mrgattax

' Todos me dizem "I LOVE YOU", mais pouquissímas são as pessoas que realmente me ama. LOVE ME OR LOVE YOU?'

—By Coelhinha

Inserida por ByCoelhinha


I wanna love you
In a gentle way
Fully and calmly
In the peace of a shadow
In delirium of a rain
In the immensity of the sky.
In the silence of the night
No rush, just under moonlight
Love you gently

Inserida por marcosmarques


Inserida por Scutasu

Philosophizing now :: Sometimes even the silence of the beloved, is a form of love, it says a lot about us, we just have to understand this sensitivity!

Inserida por NiceTeixeira

"Feeling natural?"
"So you
love? "
"Yes, exaggerated ..."
"And the result?"
"A large
melecassão .. loving "

Inserida por Kattyane