Frases com Love

Cerca de 1578 frases com Love

_ Mor, I love you more than I can handle.
_ You can, girl. Trust yourself.
_ I can't trust myself when I'm with you.

Inserida por gabriellagilmore

I love live in your life!

Inserida por fopenze

Love and peace for a better life.

Inserida por rebecamf

Sleeping to dream about you, ever. 'Cause I love you, I need you, I want you.

Inserida por felipepanda

Love is the feeling of greater conflict to live!

Inserida por nehn

Our timeless love always grows because you are my other heart!

Inserida por Denistoyoshima

I just wanted a place where everything was Peace, Happiness and Love!


I feel almost complete
I think 'love' isn't apsent
I can't tell U that
I'm unhappy, I was, PAST!
I'm just wondering if my
Life would beless complicated
If I could understand myself.

Inserida por howto

Nao importa em que idioma: amor, love, L'amour... AMO-TE

Inserida por Mozboss

I love who loves me
if God is for us who can be against us?

Inserida por dudalove

Love is like a rare wine that has to be taken slowly and feeling the essence.

Inserida por aninhacostanery

eu nao sou perfeiro a perfeita és tu eeu nao me canso de dizer I LOVE YOU

Inserida por ruuffles

I love not man the less, but nature more.

Inserida por archers23

- Tem dias que eu saio Amy, mas tem noites que volto Courtney Love.

Inserida por Ghraamacedo

♫ ( you know you love me, I know you care, You shout whenever, and I'll be there, you want my love, you want my heart, and we will never ever ever be apart )

Baleio Orco s2 -QN'

Inserida por giulliahcasillas

"I love my life because my life is you Mother ."

Inserida por wellyngthonmarques

I love my love ...
I know that without you will not have my joy complete ...
Your love makes me always want more ...
As you discover the true meaning of love!
My life only makes sense when you got close to me ...
know why?
I'll tell you!
because I can not live without you.

Inserida por sheyla87

Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

Inserida por belinha.lsm

Because i love you

Inserida por lucaswesley

Always Love You

Inserida por RicardoWallas