Frases com Love

Cerca de 1578 frases com Love

Ele acha que eu estou solteira sem ele, que mentira, ex my love aprende, eu sou viúva sem você, por que você morreu quando saiu pela minha porta.

Inserida por liaraujo

The secret of perfection is love your defects

Inserida por marianafrutuoso

Love is no need to use words, for a look is enough.

Inserida por GlauberAlmeida

Love is surrender without wanting anything in return, without requiring that there be love in the other. It is being together and not when you need when you want.

Inserida por GlauberAlmeida

Love is the only thing that hurts and heal.

Inserida por aldrossini

Children who say they love, have never experienced anything in life but to rip the clothes of her dolls

Inserida por RafaelAllves

I love you , because you is my life!

Inserida por giovannabells

Love is noise
Love is pain
Love is these blues that I'm feeling again

Inserida por marciorodrigues2102

Você é sem duvida a pessoa que mais amo no mundo!!
Não esqueça disso..

Com amor para você mamãe(M.S.N)

Inserida por giovannabells

The more I know the universe, more I love the essence of God's love. 5.30 am. it's a good time to practice gratitude!

Inserida por filomenasilva

EU TE AMO - Portugues
I LOVE YOU - Engles
JE VOUS AIME - Frances
VOLIM TE - Crota
TE AMO - Catalão
Seni seviyorum - Azerbaijão

Seráh Que Em Uma Dessas Linguás Você Vai Entender ?

Inserida por DanF3erreira

I..I..I think I love you, but if you ever hurt me I'll fuckin kill you

Inserida por rafaellakristinne

Power you have. Power to love. Power to kiss you. Love you, what should be more accurate.

Inserida por deborahpensa

I love my friends, because without them I would not go anywhere. are the reason for my inspiration.

Inserida por eduardobmfm2

Love does not end, just falls asleep in the heart of the People.

Inserida por eduardobmfm2

There is no fairy tale, as there is no perfect love.

Inserida por eduardobmfm2

It just feels good when you see a real love story. It makes you believe them. It makes you believe that love exists after all.

Inserida por RafaelDAngelo

I want to scream to everyone that I will always love you .

Inserida por fannewhinter

By believing that I could have you, I was sure I'd love you forever

Inserida por maiconherverton

Peace, love, hapiness. All I need

Inserida por juNiicolau