Frases W Bion
No dia em que se tornou rei...
Foi agraciado com um trono branco de assento anatômico
com um rolo de papel higiênico dupla face
e coroado com uma cortina de fumaça cheirando a diarreia.
E tudo isso, em plena a crise hídrica.
just follow your dream with determination, hard work and perseverance and you will be in the right way! However, keep in mind that it will not be so easy, but you will see it come true if you only believe in what you are doing and in the power that you have.
Minha atualidade não é mais uma pagina virada, é um novo tópico registrado no cantinho do autor na web, eternizando um pensamento de momento...
Seriously !
Does matter if I see you all day
Does matter if I like you
Does matter if want stay with you
At the end, only thing that matter is be happy.
Did you know ?
Many in the world will want to be FORESTS ...
Many will want to be: TREE ...
But many will want to be only one: TREE ...
"There are people who downright exhilarate us, because they bring joy and ease into our lives with their positive charisma."
Maybe I get confused by the words, choke on trying to express myself ... sorry but I'm better with writing than with speech.
Maybe I get confused by the words, choke on trying to express myself ... sorry but I'm better with writing than with speech.
One who denies his roots does not deserve to be a tree, mainly the ones which bear fruits, as they will not get ripe or they might spoil. Elias Torres