Stopping to think about life You ever... Amauri Nehn

Stopping to think about life

You ever wake up with sunshine in your face?
With the singing of the birds in your ears?
At some point you felt the thrill of a stage is
with the crowd shouting your name?
Have you let the wind touch your face in a fall
free and cool your body by touching the waters of the sea?
Have you ever in your life you could forget that
feeling of love that beats your heart with a cold
Have you ever let that cry out from his throat
simply because you do not take it anymore,
And he felt that it gave you freedom?
Have you ever stopped to think about life and ask yourself
was how great his achievements?
And, how often you forget things that do not
worth it?
He knows that good things are easier to open a
Who scares you took to be smiled and gave a
Sad times are part of life, but simply used
to remind us how much that person was important!
How many times have you found true love?
How many best friends you had in your life?
How many fears you went through not knowing things?
Difficulties are not impossible barriers!
How many times have you asked to pray to God and move on
forward with their dreams?
Faith is the motivation to pursue our dreams!
How many tears mingle with their smiles?
There are moments in life that we stop to think feathers
And we found that several unanswered questions