Where are you? By Maycon Tieng The... Maycon Tienga

Where are you?
By Maycon Tieng

The question that often makes our reason is: Where are you?
You are at your place? You're in the right place?
Because emotions give legality, we fall into illusion and lost control of our mind.
Then we give space to the curses.
Where are you now?
Where is your heart?
Where is your faith?
Where is your reason?
I think he lost his reason.
Many times in our life we ​​want to be gods and so consequently we lost our values.
Have you ever stopped to think about this?
Today, the world has attracted the man of the heart to vanity.
As the wise Solomon: Everything under the sun is vanity.
Deceptive ways of the heart.
Where are you now?
Would you have thought how is your life lately?
I do not know.
Just know that I am a voice that needs to be heard, so that lives will change their views, their concepts, their conduct, their ways.
I'm not the path.
But I am a human who can encourage you to continue your life the right way where you work out which is the same, not by emotion, but by reason.
It is not easy to change, but it is a great need.
When we are thirsty, drink water.
When we're hungry, eat something.
And when we need to change, do nothing.
When our heart cries out for help, why not take it anymore compete with the world and its illusions, the despair and depression give space for the dwelling.
We are at a time when many people need to be healed.
Healed of bitterness, deception, illusions, the vile passions.
But for that to happen, it is necessary that the person decides to take action and change.
Where are you?
In the cave. In prison. In the bed.
Life plays tricks on: deception, delusion, greed by the repulsive things carnal and transitory, but all this is pure vanity.
Do not be fooled.
Where are you?
How are you?
Why are you there?

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