⁠How I see myself I try to be the best... Solivier

⁠How I see myself I try to be the best I can be But there is one issue that I try with all my might not to have or be! I judge it!! How I wish I were different ... Frase de Solivier.

⁠How I see myself
I try to be the best I can be
But there is one issue that I try with all my might not to have or be!
I judge it!!
How I wish I were different at this starting point!
I would like to feel what people feel when I judge them, or talk about something that bothers me. And how people judge me, would it be the same way I see them?
Not that I judge every person I see or who passes my way, and because I would like to understand how people look at me, and what they think. Is something like this possible? So you start to have that way of seeing people and judging them as if you knew them, just as we don't know them, we don't know ourselves either.
I want to be a different being with the ability to feel true love for others, and not be the one who feels alone! Let others think what they want and find what they want to find. I'm going to be me and look forward, without stepping on others who also dream of being different. I don't want to be alone, I want to have the world to myself and live for the world without shame and with lots of love. Without thinking about what they think or what they want for me. So how will I feel? How will I see myself? And just experimenting and letting everything flow. That's how I want to be.