I decided to go to the highlands,... Joel Mendes Oliveira

I decided to go to the highlands, because to get away from the people and the world is all I need, because I ended up contaminating myself with their pains a nd... Frase de Joel Mendes Oliveira.

I decided to go to the highlands, because to get away from the people and the world is all I need, because I ended up contaminating myself with their pains a nd delusions I became impure and empty ... I loved more than I could and I suffered what I could endure, but the time came that I feared the most in my whole life, that it is having the courage to end this pain and suffering that is committing suicide, but for not wanting it at all I am going to the uplands, I know it's an arduous and lonely way, but I need to cleanse myself from this whole mess and heal my wounds, which most of them tried to love and do right, but all I did was lose myself in this dirty wo rld and treacherous, with its false illusions and loves. And now that I know this evil, I just go away so that in my rest I do not come to suffer.

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