Embriagues insana 01 Drunks I browse on... rsm

Embriagues insana 01
I browse on a blank sheet, looking for phrases and verses to report and I do not encounter, I walk deserted streets and empty bars, I stop in a bar near the park May 13 with the street of the union, with empty tables and others not, with couples to communicate through distorted sentences and others not to communicate with diverse words forming diverse verses.
Seated I am, to me into an amnesia of thinking the search for letters arriving with several voices and phrases.
Seated I am looking for various verses, reach through my sensibility of constant drunkenness, build various verses, tables occupied by couples interested in other couples, with the same expectation in unusual delirium of a being or the two beings that through their expectations of drunkenness, share the same anxiety of common pleasure.
The leaf that was white, was turning into various verses of pleasures in various alcoholic amnesia of thoughts lost in their own insane inebriations ... (rsm) 27/0/2018