I know I wasalwaystroubledmy love Butdo... uma anonima

I know I wasalwaystroubledmy love
Butdo not leave me
Do notleave me now
Do not letour loveget lost
Inmy follies
Appear to benormal
It's my faultI admit
But timemade me learn
Believe me
Do not letour loveget lost
Theworldmade me this way
Theremay not bemy fault
I'm lostin thought
On thatcold morningin every way
Feelinga monster
Notmaybe I'm nota monster
Theworldbutthe world
Heisthe monsterwho wants to makeour loveis lost
Not sureour loveis lost
I feeljustfriendsare notable to curethis loneliness
YesI knowmyselfisolated myself
Butmaybe the faultisnot mine
The blame cannot bemy