Mr? where are you now Mr? where are you... James Kurtisson

where are you now
where are you to help me now
Hey Mr? why I left this world
Hey Mr? Why not believe in you anymore
Hey Mr? this is a test you did with us
Hey Mr? Escondindo where are you behind this universe
Hey Mr? Did not leave me alone
Hey Mr? Because we are not perfect
Hey Mr? Because I have so many questions without answer
Hey Mr? Naum why have the answer
Hey Mr? Where I'm going
Hey Mr? Who you are
Hey Mr? Why so many lies about you
Hey Mr? Why you and so neutral
Hey Mr? Would I like it all
Hey Mr? Everything seems so unreal
Hey Mr? Could this be real? Mr Mr Mr
Hey Mr? Did not let me alone
Hey Mr? Because I
Hey Mr? Why hast sent me up here
Hey Mr? Why you do nothing
Hey Mr? Answer me
Hey Mr? You there?