Coleção pessoal de anjocdd
Again I thought of you my poem
Again I thought of you
and without wishing you was not there
Again I thought of you
and know where he looked not see your smile
Again I thought of you
and did not see the brightness of your eyes
Again I thought of you
and I heard my heart flutter
Again I thought of you
and I miss your smile diamond
Again I thought of you
and I missed his presence
When More was before that again
You were with your eyes shine
With your smile diamond
With its fragrant smell
I now tell you where you are
what most desire
is to have your kiss, your love, you
no matter when, no matter where
I think of you, I see the horizon
beautiful, far, and I love you!
Artist: Cabelinho
made in: Brazil
To passando pra diizer que tem alquem akie que te ama
Aquele que nao quer sóh ti levar pra cama
Aquele que passa horas pensando u quantu meu coraçao me manda
Dizer palavras sinceras e verdadeiras,Nao falar mentiras e besteiras
Vuceh sabi e Eu sei,Nunca estudei poemas porque nunca precisei
Dizer uq vem du coraçao,isso queh sempre fiz e sempre farei
to mandandu esse poema rimado,páh vuceh ler,e me imaginar ao seu lado
purque éh assim,[red]Te Amo de Muuitao[/red] e amar nunca éh ruim,purque vem do coração
Imaginação ? éh podi ser,vuceh podi achar,mais tudo queh falo éh fato venério sem copiar
Mais nao liga nao,sou original,uq sinto por vuceh,si tirar di min,pra min isso éh um golpe fatal
Mais deixa eu terminar porque nao quero parar,a vidah éh bela e pra sempre quero tii amar
[b][blue]___[red]A[/red]leX__[red]S[/red]eu [red]N[/red]amorado___