
1 - 25 do total de 110 pensamentos de Tomsan.aiki76

⁠Lua sua lua nossa que aparece e desaparece no vai e vem confundindo o tempo e espaço ao mesmo tempo de pensar e imaginar no universo sem fim.

⁠Moon, your moon, our moon that appears and disappears in the coming and going, confusing time and space at the same time of thinking and imagining in the endless universe.

⁠A vida é um mistério cada um com seu critério no monastério.

⁠Será o possível do impossível que se possa ter seu querer pra tentar buscar ou numa outra dimensão na imensidão do coração. ..

⁠What is expected always comes in the most diverse areas of the three executive, legislative and judicial branches in which it is based on the free power of impartiality and transparency that one has to offer full democracy to all! !!!
We know how to separate what is fact and lies and therefore you will know what is the true meaning of knowledge and love and balance of a sovereign nation that everyone will thank itself.
May the whole world be mirrored and united so that we will follow our paths.

⁠Sinto e vejo todo momento com aquele qualquer beijo logo penso, observo, absorve o desejo desse amar.

⁠Vai além do infinito da alma que nos faz brilhar e imaginar a imensidão que nos alimenta de amor mesmo tendo dor, mas está valendo todo esse sentimento a cada momento.

⁠Not only did I dream, but I was in that dream, at the moment I woke up and then I went back in the space/time of thought! 🇧🇷

⁠Il est toujours intéressant de savoir comment penser, apprécier et aimer afin de profiter de la vie qui est éternellement dans l'esprit conscient.

⁠Sinceridade irei no seu show que virá e se você quiser me chamar, [subo nesse palco minha alma cheira talco como bumbum de bebê, minha aura clara clarividente pode crer pra ficar com você e se quiser casar prefiro ficar e ter a liberdade no ser coração só.

⁠Fazer o quê amar, desfrutar, pensar, imaginar e voar no mais puro sentimento, na imensidão que bate o coração infinito e belo.

⁠Perder pra que sabendo que a arte está no ser no momento cabe o sentimento de se ter.

⁠Pois a liberdade é o que se diz, satisfazendo o estado no que contradiz na mente consciente e persistente! !!!

⁠What makes us react is the simple fact of connecting us to live and enjoy, because what will come, only we will seek in the balance of the place.

⁠Amar a si mesmo pra poder ter sua alma do que liberta a mente e nos faz repensar todo sentido de amar.

⁠Sou príncipe de mim e gosto de ser assim, amar é em todo lugar nas esquinas a procurar esse buscar no tudo que estar! !!!

⁠Sou o jardineiro do seu jardim e o eu do pensar.

⁠In the set of works of art that infect my will and illuminate tomorrow.

⁠With all due respect and dignity, to love is to enjoy the beauties of everything in balance among all.

⁠A existência é a essência da alma.

⁠They remember the past because well now is today and today is the day after tomorrow. ..
And today is the future! !!!

⁠I don't even want anything just looking at everything is enough just thinking I went further in the desire for my good to see.

⁠Say that height is imperfection of the perfect in every way that we feel clarity in the power to go as high as possible of the impossible that we can reach everything in the same place of tomorrow will arrive! !!!

⁠The social pact around the homeland and family in which order and progress reached that point of conservative symbolism that arrived and there is rooted in this imperialist structure in the worlds, mainly in Brazil. we think and dialogue more so that love and progress can be placed! !!!
And serve as an inspiration for the future of the nation.

⁠Viva a alma e ame a aura.