Rock the Lab

Encontrados 7 pensamentos de Rock the Lab

⁠Did you really like your life?
Did you ever seize the moment?
Or just stood there through the time?

- The Last Time

⁠In times I stumble upon an inner calm and peace
To see and believe in who I'm becoming or who I'm yet to be

- Sometimes

⁠Although I have tried to lose
Prisoner of my own
You have never tried this world
So, try to be alone

- Prisoner of My Own

⁠A time when all was happiness
That still exists in my mind
But now that you have left me
Where's happiness now?

- My Angel

⁠I tired of these people
These people that I can't trust
Walk these streets side by side
Like nothing is going to burst

- Feel Fine

⁠Can you hear my voice when I'm gone?
My love, you got to keep carrying on
Oh I know how hard is
Would you give it another chance to the world, Oh my love
Keep living
From up here, I'll be guiding you

- Can You Hear Me

⁠When I'm with you, my life is now complete
Just hold my hand, and we will take a leap
Cause I know a place where we can hide from the wrong
Where we can dance while rain falls down along

- Beauty Queen