Miss Carla Santos

Encontrados 3 pensamentos de Miss Carla Santos

Keep the equilibrium ...
...is to overcome the difficulties
leaving under of your feet
even though will hurt themselves.

Inserida por MissCarlaSantos

Sometimes beats the sudden sadness, a heavy heart and want to cry absurd, but you do not know why. (Gossip) ..... ... Answer it! .... I DO NOT KNOW YOUR TRUTH, to offer you my joy "I blind, deaf and dumb, emotions .... hypocrite WORLD!

Inserida por MissCarlaSantos

Reborn NOW! Do not seek further Their efforts ... Your time is now! MAKE YOUR PERSEVERANCE HAPPEN

Renasca AGORA! Não procure prosseguirem os seus esforços ... Seu tempo é agora! FAÇA SUA PERSEVERANÇA ACONTECER

Inserida por MissCarlaSantos