High School Musical

Encontrados 8 pensamentos de High School Musical

Pegue a minha mão, tome fôlego
Me puxe pra perto
De um passo
Mantenha seus olhos presos nos meus
E Deixe a musica te guiar.

Agora você vai me prometer
Que você nunca esquecerá
Nós vamos continuar dançando
Onde quer que nós formos

Nosso futuro chegando em breve
Estamos sendo puxados em centenas de direções
Mas aconteça o que acontecer, eu sei que tenho você

gabriella: remember, in kindergarten when you met a kid and didn't know anything about them, and then 10 seconds later you were playing like you were best friends because you didn't need to be anything but yourself
troy: yes
gabriella: singing with you made me feel this way

⁠troy: I need your help I don't know what to wear
gabriella: well since this is an invitation (choose one of the suits)
troy: do we really have to dance? i don't know how to dance
gabriella: I know my dad would pick me up and dance with me around the living room, come on, I'll show you

⁠Gabriella: I can't believe it
troy: everyone is at the dance in east hide except you
gabriella: you are so crazy wildcat, and what happens between you and the trees?
troy: I think I see things clearer from here
gabriella: well you look handsome, the prom is today and you are here several kilometers away
troy: my prom is wherever you are, if there is a dance in east hide it can only be with you

Nós estamos nos libertando
Estamos subindo
Não há uma estrela
No céu que não possamos alcançar
Se nós tentarmos

Por tanto tempo estive perdido
Tão bom ser encontrado
Estou amando ter você por perto