Gean Amurim

Encontrados 5 pensamentos de Gean Amurim

Acho que nosso "amor" nunca existiu foi só uma fantasia que decidimos vestir para participarmos de um Halloween de ilusões sentimentais num dia chuvoso e obscuro, nada comemorativo...

Ame agora, chore depois, aproveite e se importe com o dia de agora, e deixe para chorar depois. (Carpe Diem)

I wrote a request and threw it into the sea. I wish the week went by fast, and life slow.

I think our "love" never existed was just a fantasy that we decided to wear to participate in a Halloween of sentimental illusions on a rainy and obscure day, nothing commemorative...

Love now, cry later, enjoy and care about the day now, and leave to cry later. (Carpe Diem)