The bombardment of the self with... Colin Wilson

The bombardment of the self with emotions and sensations like so many shooting stars make the visionary realize that his interior being is more like a mill-race... Frase de Colin Wilson.

The bombardment of the self with emotions and sensations like so many shooting stars make the visionary realize that his interior being is more like a mill-race. He is struck forcibly by the kinetic nature of the world itself. While before, he had seen the world as rather a static place, where all sorts of trivialities assumed importance as they would in a dull country village, he now sees the world as a battleground of immense forces. At once he becomes aware of two things, the kinetic nature of the world, and the kinetic nature of his own soul. Instead of seeing the surface of things and feeling that it is rather dull, he sees the interior working of the force of life, the Will to more life.