45 Sunset Quotes To Close Your Day In Beauty and Inspiration

Pensador Editorial Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

There’s something about watching the sunset that never fails to captivate our minds and inspire our souls. As the sun dips below the horizon and the sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant hues, our hearts pause in awe. We take in the breathtaking view, reminded that nature is the greatest and most skilled artist. The sunset represents love, hope, and gratitude, holding a special place in our lives. In this article, we’ve gathered poetic and heartfelt quotes to capture the magic of sunsets. Share them to brighten someone’s day and celebrate their beauty.

Beautiful Sunset Quotes

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.  Rabindranath Tagore - Stray Birds

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.

Rabindranath Tagore - Stray Birds

Bring me the sunset in a cup.

Emily Dickinson

Twilight fell: The sky turned to a light, dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars.

J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Desire is life. Hunger to see the next sunrise or sunset. To touch the one you love. To try again.

Karen Marie Moning - Shadowfever

Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.

Henry Rollins

The last laugh, the last cup of coffee, the last sunset, the last time you jump through a sprinkler, or eat an ice-cream cone, or stick your tongue out to catch a snowflake. You just don't know.

Lauren Oliver - Before I Fall

Because I can count on my fingers the number of sunsets I have left, and I don't want to miss any of them.

Suzanne Collins - Catching Fire

People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be.  Carl R. Rogers - A Way of Being

People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be.

Carl R. Rogers - A Way of Being

When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, “Soften the orange a bit on the right-hand corner.” I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.

Carl R. Rogers - A Way of Being

There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them.

Jo Walton

Can you see the sunset real good on the West side? You can see it on the East side too.

S.E Hinton - The Outsiders

The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color -- oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples.

Anna Godbersen - The Luxe

It's okay. We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too.

S.E. Hinton - The Outsiders

Motivational Sunset Quotes

You want proof there's a God? Look outside, watch a sunset.

Frank Peretti

Every one of a hundred thousand cities around the world had its own special sunset and it was worth going there, just once, if only to see the sun go down.

Ryu Murakami - Coin Locker Babies

My soul is an empty carousel at sunset.  Pablo Neruda

My soul is an empty carousel at sunset.

Pablo Neruda

Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the afterglow of sunset at the margin of starry silence.

Rabindranath Tagore - Stray Birds

Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset.

S.E. Hinton - The Outsiders

Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under!

C. JoyBell C.

You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets and uneventful nice days.

Alain de Botton

Sweet Sunset Quotes

Sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful but because they are fleeting.

Richard Paul Evans - The Gift

I liked my books and clouds and sunsets.  S.E. Hinto - The Outsiders

I liked my books and clouds and sunsets.

S.E. Hinto - The Outsiders

Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever.

Horace Mann

A sunset is the sun’s fiery kiss to the night.

Crystal Woods - Write Like No One Is Reading 3

The sky, at sunset, looked like a carnivorous flower.

Roberto Bolaño - 2666

That was her magic-
she could still see
the sunset
even on those
darkest days.

Atticus Poetry - Love Her Wild

I am the sunrise of sunsets, and I make love like noon at midnight.

Jarod Kintz - This Book Has No Title

Patrick started running after the sunset. And Sam immediately followed him. And I saw them in silhouette. Running after the sun.

Stephen Chbosky - The Perks of Being a Wallflower

They ran to the museums for paintings. I ran to the roof for sunsets.

Darnell Lamont Walker

See the beauty of sunset to enjoy the passion of life.  Debasish Mridha

See the beauty of sunset to enjoy the passion of life.

Debasish Mridha

Sunset is still my favorite color, and rainbow is second.

Mattie J.T. Stepanek

I can't give you the sunset, but I can give you the night.

Erin McCarthy - High Stakes

Softly the evening came with the sunset.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Perfect happiness is a beautiful sunset… It’s the little things that make happy moments, not the grand events. Joy comes in sips, not gulps.

Sharon Draper

Sometimes, the sunset is so beautiful that I think it might be the very last one.

Nitya Prakash

The horizon changes but the sun does not.

Joyce Rachelle

Sunsets are proof that endings can often be beautiful too.

Beau Taplin

I think sunrises are rarer for me, but sunset is my favorite time of day.

Jon Foreman

No sun outlasts its sunset but will rise again and bring the dawn.

Maya Angelou

There’s always a sunrise and always a sunset, and it’s up to you to choose to be there for it,’ said my mother. 'Put yourself in the way of beauty.”

Cheryl Strayed - Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

She remembered watching a summer sunset from this very spot. Not so long ago; just a lifetime.”

Sharon Kay Penman - When Christ and His Saints Slept

Not everyone has to ride off into the sunset with a man. Some of us just want a tan.

Mandy Hale - The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Work stops at sunset. Darkness falls over the building site. The sky is filled with stars. "There is the blueprint," they say.

Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities

Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colors; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.

Khalil Gibran

Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal.

Elbert Hubbard

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