70+ Latin Quotes That Remain Timeless and Meaningful

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Latin, the language of ancient Rome, has given us timeless quotes that continue to inspire and guide us. Whether you're seeking motivation, reflection, or simply a touch of classical charm, Latin quotes have a unique way of adding depth and meaning to our lives. From powerful mottos to thoughtful musings, they remain as relevant today as ever.

Famous Latin Quotes

Carpe diem.

(Seize The Day)

Omnia ratione fiunt.

(Everything happens for a reason.)

Veni, vidi, vici.  (I came, I saw, I conquered )

Veni, vidi, vici.

(I came, I saw, I conquered )

Acta, non verba.

(Deeds, not words)

Amor vincit omnia.

(Love conquers all)

Ut sementem feceris, its metes..

(As you sow, so shall you reap)

Barba non facit philosophum.

(A beard does not constitute a philosopher)

Vivamus, Moriendum Est.

(Let us live, for we must die)

Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.

(If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell)

Non fortuna homines aestimabo, sed moribus.

(I shall not value men for their fortune but for their character)

Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.

(A true friend is known in time of need)

Audaces fortuna iuvat.

(Fortune favours the bold)

Popular Latin Phrases

Quid pro quo.

(Something for something)

Otium cum dignitate.

(Rest with dignity)

Silentium est aureum.  (Silence is golden)

Silentium est aureum.

(Silence is golden)

Veritas vincit.

(Truth prevails)

Tempus edax rerum.

(Time is the devourer of things)

Sapientia est potentia..

(Knowledge is power)

Lupus non timet canem latrantem.

(A wolf is not afraid of a barking dog)

Faber est suae quisque fortunae.

(Every man is the artisan of his own fortune)

Dulce bellum inexpertis.

(War is sweet to those who have never experienced it)

Cogito, ergo sum.

(I think therefore I am)

Quod non videt oculus, cor non dolet.

(What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over)

Qui tacet consentire videtur.

(He who is silent is taken to agree)

Cool Latin Quotes

Quid est homini vita?

(What is life to man?)

Malo mori quam foedari.

(Death rather than dishonor)

Factum fieri infectum non potest .

(It is impossible for a deed to be undone)

De omnibus dubitandum.

(Be suspicious of everything)

Aere perennius.

(More lasting than bronze)

Aquila non capit muscas.

(An eagle does not catch flies)

Hei mihi! Quod nullis amor est medicabilis herbis.

(Oh me! Love cannot be cured by herbs)

Ad meliora.

(Toward better things)

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.

(Men generally believe what they want to)

Oderint dum metuant.  (Let them hate so long as they fear)

Oderint dum metuant.

(Let them hate so long as they fear)

Imperium in imperio.

(An empire within an empire)

Victorem devoramus.

(We devour the victor)

Credo quia absurdum est.

((I believe because it is absurd)

Latin Phrases About Life

Age quot agis.

(Do what you do)

Omnia mea mecum porto.

(All that is mine, I carry with me)

Dum spiro spero.

(While I breathe, I hope)

Labor omnia vincit.

(Work conquers all.)

Qui amat periculum, peribit in illo.

(He who seeks danger, in danger dies)

Sapientia potentia es.

(Wisdom is power)

Audentes fortuna iuvat.

(Fortune favors the bold)

Pater mendaciorum diabolus est.

(The devil is the father of lies)

Sapere aude.

(Dare to know)

Memento vivere.

(Remember to live)

Fons vitae caritas.

(Love is the fountain of life)

Vinum et musica laetificant cor.

(Wine and music gladden the heart)

Qui dormit non peccat.

(He who sleeps does not sin).

Praestat cautela quam medela.

(Prevention is better than cure)

Eheu fugaces labuntur anni.

(Alas, the fleeting years slip by)

Inspirational Latin Quotes

Fiat lux.

(Let there be light)

Vox populi, vox Dei.

(The voice of the people is the voice of God)

Nunc est bibendum.

(Now is the time to drink)

Per aspera ad astra.

(Through hardships to the stars)

Dum vita est, spes est.

(While there is life, there is hope)

Aquila non captat muscas .

(An eagle does not catch flies)

Subito mortem venire.

(Death comes suddenly)

Carpe noctem.

(Seize the night)

Tempus fugit.

(Time flies)

Non scholae sed vitae discimus.

(We learn not for school, but for life)

Citius, altius, fortius.

(Faster, higher, stronger)

In vino veritas.

(In wine, there is truth)

Ego te absolvo.

(I absolve you)

Festina lente.

(Make haste slowly)

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.

(I am human, and nothing human is alien to me)

Suum cuique.

(To each his own)

Malum quidem nullum esse omnino.

(There is indeed no absolute evil)

Scio me nihil scire.  (I know that I know nothing)

Scio me nihil scire.

(I know that I know nothing)

Ex nihilo nihil fit.

(Nothing comes from nothing)

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