70 Flirty Texts To Make Your Crush's Heart Flutter

Pensador Editorial Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Do you wish to take it a step ahead with your crush or spice up your relationship a little? A flirty text can be the secret weapon you need to turn a humdrum day into a night filled with butterflies (and maybe a little more)!

We have created 70 flirty texts that will definitely sweep the other person right off their feet. Make them blush and kick the air with their feet with these creative flirty messages.

Cute Flirty Texts

You make even the simplest moments feel magical.

You make even the simplest moments feel magical. ✨

I love hearing you talk about the things you love. Let's keep talking like this forever.

Every time you smile, my heart actually skips a beat.

They say life is short. Wanna make the most of some of it together tonight?

I love how you always find the silver lining in any situation, makes me like you even more.

I just can’t get over how gorgeous you are, inside and out.

Your eyes have this magical sparkle that makes them unforgettable.

I love how bright your face looks in the sun. It's as if the whole world in the background disappears.

Your voice is so soothing and attractive, I could listen to it all day.

Struggling to focus on work today... thanks to a certain someone who keeps distracting me with their charm.

I love how you can make even the most boring topics sound fascinating.

They say life throws you curveballs, but you're more like the missing corner piece that makes everything finally click.

Life's too short to overthink things. Wanna grab coffee and just see where the day takes us?

Just saw the cutest little cat today, reminded me of how cute you were.

Staring at the ceiling and all I can think about is your smile.

Flirty Texts For Him

Just painted my nails a color that reminded me of your eyes.

Just painted my nails a color that reminded me of your eyes.

I feel very different around you. I've never felt this way before.

You always make me laugh. You definitely have the best sense of humor!

You have made me so much more spontaneous and fun. I love the lightness you brought in my life.

You are marked as favorite in my contacts list.

Found this amazing new bookstore. Think you'd be the perfect person to get lost in there with.

You make me feel really safe and comfortable. I love hanging out with you.

Hey, we should create a playlist together sometime!

Hey, we should create a playlist together sometime!

Woke up with a smile because last night's conversation replayed in my head all night. Thanks for the sweet dreams.

Listening to a song that makes me want to twirl around in a summer dress... maybe with a certain someone.

You really have a way with words...I love listening to you.

Flirty Texts For Her

This silly smile on my face is your fault.

If time stopped every time I thought of you, we would still be on the day I met you.

If time stopped every time I thought of you, we would still be on the day I met you.

You're the best and the most beautiful thing on my feed.

People still don't understand that I'm not addicted to my phone, I'm addicted to the person on the other side of it.

I can't believe I went so long without knowing you existed!

Your smile actually melts my heart every time.

Not sure what's more contagious, your smile or the way it makes me feel.

Whenever I hear a love song, it reminds me of you.

Whenever I hear a love song, it reminds me of you.

Every moment with you feels like heaven on earth.

Miss me a little? My number's still the same... and so is my yearning for you ;)

My weakness has a name, an address, and a beautiful smile. It's you!

You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen with my eyes open as well as closed.

The only way my day will become perfect is if I wake up right next to you.

There is a something magical about you that always draws my mind to you.

If I could make just one wish today, it would be for you to say that you feel the same way about me.

Funny Flirty Texts

The weather forecast says there's a 100% chance of me wanting to see you tonight. What are your plans?

We haven't kissed yet, but we've already exchanged heart emojis, does that mean things are getting serious?😉

Nine out of ten dentists recommend that we kiss right now!

Nine out of ten dentists recommend that we kiss right now!

You're not Google, but you're everything I've been looking for.

I need to study more mythology... I'm still not sure if you're a Greek or Roman goddess.

My therapist says vulnerability is key. Ready to be vulnerable with you over a glass of wine after my session?

What was your mother's name again? Mother-in-law, right?

Heard a rumor that captivating people like you sometimes get stuck with boring conversations. Want to break the cycle with me?

This year I'm going to send your photo to Santa Claus to see if he gets the present right.

You're not a TV show, but I always wish to binge-watch you.

I don't understand much English, but as far as I know, 'crush' means 'you'.

Bold Flirty Texts

Feeling a little adventurous today? How about we paint our friendship a whole new shade?

Hey there, since everything passes, come by my place today?

You've got me so wrapped around your finger that I don't know what I'm doing with myself.

Your lips look beautiful but it would look more beautiful glued to mine.

Your lips look beautiful but it would look more beautiful glued to mine.

You should know that my love language is physical touch.

Counting down the minutes until I can get lost in your embrace.

The weather is really hot but you are hotter!

You're giving me serious withdrawal symptoms.

The clock is ticking until I get to lose myself in the kiss you owe me. Any chance you plan on settling that debt soon?

Your smile is a masterpiece, but your lips are the brushstrokes that bring it to life.

Indirect Flirty Texts

I woke up today with this urge to talk about anything and everything with you. I love talking to you.

Having a productive day except for the part where I keep getting distracted by the thoughts of you.

Having the best day ever but it could be even better. Wanna meet up for some food?

Just realized tomorrow is off. Any fun plans?

Just saw the most incredible sunset. We have to visit this place someday.

Cooking dinner and realized the recipe calls for the perfect company... any chance you‘re free tonight?

Cooking dinner and realized the recipe calls for the perfect company... any chance you're free tonight?

Okay, this might be a little forward, but I miss your laugh even when the joke is not funny.

Woke up with a smile this morning, all because of a dream. Can't say who it was about, but you might know someone ;).

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